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Referral Service

We offer a referral service for yourselves and your lovesd ones to a variety of local services.

Please note that we need signed consent from the individual being referred.

We won an award!
We were delighted to receive an award from Stockton Council.

Please click here for more information 


Client Feedback

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Latest News

ISO 9001 Accreditation - We have successfully retained our ISO 9001 qualification. This accreditation ensures that the service we provide is externally evaluated and shows the services we offer are consistent and delivered at the highest possible standard. We endeavour  to develop, innovate and offer comprehensive support to carers and family across Stockton-On-Tess and our ability to retain this high standard is testament to the hard work of the whole Bridges Team including staff, peer mentors and carers throughout the past year. Well done everyone. 

Drug Awareness Courses - Liam has successfully completed our first Drug Awareness Course of 2024. Well done to all the carers who took part. The course offers carers the opportunity to learn about substances, their effects, legal consequences and to ask any questions they might have. It is also a great forum to share experiences and offer to support to each other. If you would like to have a place on the next course please speak to your key worker or Liam for more information about upcoming dates. 

Sport England Partnership for Young Carers - Though our partnership working we have encouraged over 40 children and young people to engage in a range of healthy activities. These have included swimming, gymnastics, ice skating, martial arts and gym work. If you are looking after a cared for young person who you feel would benefit from encouragement and access to  healthy lifestyle support please speak to Carole who will be happy to provide more information about how to access this service. 

Out of hours extended support - We know caring for a loved one is not a 9-5 Monday to Friday job and often support is needed or crisis arises when our office is closed. In order to ensure that we are able to support you when you need us we are introducing a new service which will forward any calls made to the office phone number after working hours to a Bridges staff member. This will enable you to access a real person and get support in real time. This service is in addition to our out of hours helpline which will continue to operate as normal offering crisis and emergency support. 

Contact Us

5 Nelson Terrace, Stockton-on-Tees. TS18 1NJ  /  Tel. 01642 605222

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